Wednesday 2 October 2013

Preliminary Task| Photos

I took a range of different photos for my preliminary task in order for me to have a lot of images to chose from and so that my magazine wasn't full of text and included pictures too. 
Below are two images that I chose not to use for my preliminary task.
The first image on the left is of very low quality and is quite blurry. I wanted all the images for my magazine to look very professional and look presentable which meant that they had to be in focus and be clear. However, if this picture didn't come out blurry then I would have decided to use it as it related to my target audience and it is informative for the people who would be buying the magazine.
I decided not to use the picture on the left as the model wasn't looking directly at the camera and again, the picture came out as blurry and not in focus. It was important to me that the model was looking into the camera so that the target audience felt like they would be able to make a connection with her. 

This is one of the images that I chose to use on my preliminary task college magazine. I was very pleased with the outcome of this pictures as it is a long, wide shot which gets the model in and you can see her very clearly. The image quality came out very well compared to a lot of the other images which was key so that everything on my magazine looked professional. 

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