Thursday 24 October 2013

Photo Shoot Planning

With my magazine being aimed at young girls, I want my photographs to look fun and quirky so that it appeals to my target audience. After looking at various music magazines that are the same genre as mine, I found that most of the models on the front covers are presented in a fun and appealing way. I would like the readers to feel like they can relate to the model and will come across in a sort of inspiring way so that they can look up to them and be like how the model is.
I have concentrated on looking at specific makeup looks, hairstyles and clothing to help attract my target audience, it is important that the model looks appealing to them. I am going to be using my friend Ellie on the front cover and plan on dressing her in high end clothes from shops such as Topshop and H&M etc. This will also appeal to my target audience as these are places where you can get relatively cheap and nice clothes from and helps to represent the genre of my magazine. I have briefed my model so that she is aware of what sort of clothes she will be styled in and so that she can make the date of the photo shoot. Nonetheless, she will be wearing her own clothes so that she feels comfortable but still confident. 
On the front cover of my magazine, I don't intend on using any props as I would prefer the models face to be the main focus. Having said that, I do plan on using props for my double page spread but I am undecided on what I want to use. With my target audience being aimed at young girls, I will more than likely go with using props that are makeup, hair or clothes related.
I am going to emphasise colour through the clothes the model is going to be wearing, I would like the clothing to be quite plain with subtle colouring but have accessories with bright colours to represent the feminine and girly side of the magazine. 
I am going to need quite high key lighting with the model standing against a plain white wall in the background. This will be achieved as my house (where the photo shoot is being taken) has plain white walls, which will help to contrast with the models clothing and will make her stand out more.
Posing Ideas

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