Sunday 20 October 2013

Flat Plan| Contents Page

Contents Page

Colour Usage: I have decided that I want to carry on my colour scheme that I am using on my front cover to my contents page as it will make the magazine look more organised and thought out. However, I might use white and black colours for some parts of the text that isn't that important on the page. I still want my contents page to have the same feeling of 'girlieness' as my front cover does as it will help to tie the magazine together as a whole. The colours of the text on the contents page will contrast well with the images and wont look like too much is going on.

Image Usage: I am going to be using a variety of different images on my contents page so that the readers get a insight of what sort of features are included in the magazine. I am going to include the page number on top of the image as I think this is a good technique use in order to give the reader a better understanding of the articles.

Text Usage: I would still like the narrative voice to continue being informal like how it is on the front cover. The best way to grab the readers attention, particularly in my genre of magazine, is to talk to them in a friendly and personal tone so it makes them feel apart of what they are reading. It is important that subheadings are used to split up the articles into different sections so it makes it easier for the reader to find certain features. When I was doing my research, I learnt that Top of the Pops also use this technique and split the magazine into different sections. For example; "Celebs & Gossip" "Wins & Offers."

Layout and Font: When splitting up my articles, I am going to place them into boxes and border them so they look more organised and well presented. It is also important that the layout of the images are precisely placed and don't look messy or all over the place. Even though my target audience is aimed at young teens, I still think it is key that the magazine looks understandable and clear. Again, the font is going to be the same as the font on the front cover, this helps to make to make it come across more neat and tidy. The subheadings are going to be written in bold, with a deeper and stronger shade of my chosen colour to make them stand out and look imposing.

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