Wednesday 6 November 2013

My Magazine| Font Ideas

Masthead Ideas 


I like this font and I am going to consider using it for the masthead of my magazine. I like how the font is so bold as it will help to make it stand out more and will contrast well with the pictures. I also think that this style of font matches well with the genre of my magazine, as it doesn’t look like your average bold font and has a sense of quirkiness to it.

I think that this is a typical masthead font as it is big, bold and stands out. This would be good on my magazine as if I want a lot of things going on on my front cover (i.e various sell lines and pictures) then this would help to balance everything out and contrast with everything that is on it.

Wetin Caro Want
I like the style of this font as with my target audience being aimed at young teens, I feel like this is a font that would appeal to them. It fits in well with the genre of my magazine as it looks like a font you would see on the likes of Top of the Pops. However, I think this font isn't the sort of font that would be used for the masthead as it isn't bold enough and looks like it would only be used a subheading on something like the contents page.


 I think that this would be a good font to use for my sell lines as it will make the them stand out and will compliment the pictures. With there being a lot of pictures I think that is key that the sell lines can still be easily seen and using a bold font like this will help draw you to them. On the other hand, some people might think that with the font being so bold, it looks like it is too much for a sell line and should be used for the masthead.

I also think that this font would look nice to use on my front cover for the sell lines. This is still a bold font but with the letters looking long and stretched it helps to make them not look too over the top as it is only for the sell lines.


I like this font as I think it is a good basic font that isn't too in your face or has a different styles to it. I would like the font in my interview to be very simple as it makes it easier to follow and read and I think this font fits with what I am looking for. 

As  my target audience is aimed at young teens who are mainly girls, I think this would be a good font to use in pieces of text. It is a simple font but looks very effective at the same time. However, this font might not look tidy and professional for pieces of text like my interview. I want the text on my double page spread to look organised so it looks well presented.

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