Friday 21 February 2014


What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I used a number of different technological resources in order to make my front cover, contents page and double page spread.

Blogger has allowed me to write and publish my work online which I think has been very useful as it easy to get onto and is accessible at all times. Before doing this task I had never used this website before, however I have used the website Tumblr (another blogging website) so I didnt find it very difficult to use. I would be very happy with using this website in the future if needed to be as I have had no problems with it and it has been very useful in presenting my coursework.

YouTube has helped me throughout my work as I have been able to link videos of artists and bands who fit with the genre of my magazine. This then allows you to see/listen to the type of music my target audience would listen to.

I used the website 'Dafont' during the process of creating my front cover, contents page and double page spread to get a range of different fonts to use that weren't already installed on Photoshop. I immediately found some fonts that I thought fitted well with the genre of my magazine on this website and it was very easy to work with (i.e downloading the fonts.)

Photoshop is one of the main softwares that I have used throughout all of my tasks as this is what I created my magazine on. When we first started to work on Photoshop, I did have quite a small piece of knowledge on how to work it but since spending so much time on it while creating my magazine, I have gained more experience on how to use certain tools etc. For example, I didn't know that you could use the 'lasso' tool to help cut out images. This came in very helpful when cutting around the images to put on my contents page, this method allowed it to look much more precise rather than just using the magic wand tool and rubber. 

Another Adobe programme I used to create some of my work was Indesign. I used photoshop to create my front cover and contents page, but I chose to use this to create my double page spread. At the start I struggled using this programme as it was the very first time I had ever used it, but after a few attempts at it (before I started the DPS) I began to understand how to work it. This programme was a lot more useful when creating my double page spread compared to photoshop as it had a tool where I could put in as many columns I wanted, which made it easier to insert the text so that everything was in line and straight.

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