Wednesday 18 December 2013

Draft of DPS article

As part of my planning for this task, I had to create a draft of my double page spread article so that I could receive some feedback on what was good about it and how I could improve it. At this point, I hadnt finished creating the image for my double page spread so I only handed in the article itself with the interview included. I followed the basic layout of a double page spread by putting the interview into 3 separate columns but I did notice that they didn't fit together. As part of my feedback, I had to make sure that all the columns were aligned in order for everything to look a lot more professional and organised. To make the article a lot more easier and clear to understand, I wrote the questions in bold and kept the answers in a normal font. This way, the reader would be able to follow the interview and know who was talking or asking the questions. Another comment on my feedback was to create a sub heading with some of the text I had already written. This would introduce the reader to the article and helps to give them an idea of what they are going to be reading about.

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