Wednesday 18 December 2013

Draft of DPS article

As part of my planning for this task, I had to create a draft of my double page spread article so that I could receive some feedback on what was good about it and how I could improve it. At this point, I hadnt finished creating the image for my double page spread so I only handed in the article itself with the interview included. I followed the basic layout of a double page spread by putting the interview into 3 separate columns but I did notice that they didn't fit together. As part of my feedback, I had to make sure that all the columns were aligned in order for everything to look a lot more professional and organised. To make the article a lot more easier and clear to understand, I wrote the questions in bold and kept the answers in a normal font. This way, the reader would be able to follow the interview and know who was talking or asking the questions. Another comment on my feedback was to create a sub heading with some of the text I had already written. This would introduce the reader to the article and helps to give them an idea of what they are going to be reading about.

Friday 13 December 2013

Front Cover and Contents Page Progress

These are screenshots of my Front Cover and Contents page almost finished. 

As you can see in my contents page, I have altered some of the features to make fit with the magazine and have it more concentrated on music rather than fashion. I still need to change the pictures for the contents page so again they relate more to music and look more professional.
I am pleased with the outcome of my front cover, I think it matches well with the genre of my magazine and you can clearly tell who the target audience is aimed at. I downloaded a range of different fonts from dafont which helps to give it more variety so everything doesn't look the same. I had a few problems trying to crop the image as I wanted it to get as precise as I could but in the end I managed to get it cropped out the way I liked.

Friday 6 December 2013

Photo shoot Preparation

Before I took the images for my magazine, I decided to take some quick photographs of where the model was getting ready and when she was putting her makeup on in preparation for the shoot. My model done the makeup herself, but I did tell her what I wanted the makeup to look like so she could create the final look that I wanted. I told the model to bring her own clothes but that fitted with the genre of my magazine. She knew that my magazine was aimed at young teens so brought a selection of clothes that she thought would be suitable to wear for the photographs.